Smithereen Fri, 17 Nov 2023 15:52:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 #1 Pest Control in Carmel: Disgusting Bed Bug Signs and Myths Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:27:26 +0000 Read More about #1 Pest Control in Carmel: Disgusting Bed Bug Signs and Myths »]]> Pest Control in Carmel: Bed Bug Signs and Myths

Our experts on pest control in Carmel want to tell the tale of bed bugs. The round, flat, tiny pests known as bed bugs resemble apple seeds in appearance. They are not invisible, despite the fact that they can be hard to find.

Although most homeowners think they appear out of nowhere, this is untrue. Bed bugs can be found anywhere, including your home, because they hide on your clothing, luggage, or any other material they can latch onto to get inside rather than crawling in like other pests do.

Pest Control in Carmel

Pest control in Carmel: Finding the telltale symptoms of a bed bug infestation

You need to be aware of the warning signs of an infestation if you want to prevent a possible bed bug infestation.

Bites: One of the first symptoms of bed bugs is frequently these. Unfortunately, because their bites resemble those of other insects, like mosquitoes, it’s the most misunderstood. Bed bug bites are most likely the cause if there are several red welts arranged in clusters or straight rows.

Because the skin on the arms and shoulders is more easily accessible, they will frequently appear there. If you notice bites that resemble those caused by bed bugs, you should investigate further to look for additional indications of these specific insects.


Blood stains: Because of their eating habits, your bed and other surfaces they live on are probably going to have bloodstains on them. When bed bugs bite, they release an anticoagulant that delays the healing of bite wounds. The next day, blood stains are left behind as a result.

Pest Control in Carmel

Evidence of bed bugs: molt, eggshells, and feces are left behind by bed bugs. An early indicator of an infestation is the presence of translucent, hollow shapes resembling bed bugs in areas where the insects usually hide. Our experts on pest control in Carmel explain that before becoming adults, these creatures go through several stages of life in which they molt, or shed, their skin. You most likely have an infestation if you observe any or all of these symptoms. Bed bug excrement leaves behind a dark, ruddy appearance on mattresses, sheets, and even in your pajamas.

Pest Control in Carmel

Smells: Bed bugs also leave behind a pungent, musty smell that tastes like almonds, cilantro, or raspberries. The stench will intensify and become more overpowering as the infestation gets worse call a bed bug exterminator in Carmel if you get this indication. Pheromones released by bed bugs in response to perceived threat are responsible for this odor.

Pest Control in Carmel

Do bites from bed bugs cause itching?

Itchy welts that resemble rows or zigzag patterns typically result from bed bug bites. Due to their small size, people frequently confuse the bites for other types of irritation. It’s crucial to search for additional indications of bed bugs if you have bites like these.


Bed bug evidence on linens

You should not be surprised if your sheets and pillowcases have reddish bloodstains if your bedroom is infested with bed bugs. If you change your sheets or check underneath them for evidence of these insects, you’ll notice the same symptoms of bed bugs on a mattress. If you see these indicators call a bed bug exterminator in Carmel.

Pest Control in Carmel

How to check for bed bugs in your home

Experts on pest control in Carmel know that if you see any indications of bed bugs, you can conduct a preliminary inspection on your own. Find them with a bright flashlight. They are frequently startled by the light and flee from the brightness, which makes it simpler to identify them.

  • Check your pillows, sheets, and pillowcases for urine or excrement stains.
  • Remove all of the bed linens, then use a flashlight to carefully inspect the edges and seams of your mattress for evidence of bed bugs, shell casings, and eggs.
  • Flip the mattress over and examine the corners, seams, and nooks.
  • Keep an eye out for any indications of bed bugs on your footboard and headboard.
  • Take off your headboard if it is fixed to the wall so you can look for insects hiding there.
  • Check for evidence of bed bugs under the bed.
  • Check each piece of furniture in the space.

Despite being a common pest, there are a lot of myths about bed bugs. Experts on pest control in Carmel can sort fact from fiction in this post and provide the real story behind a few of the rumors you may have heard in the past.

Pest Control in Carmel

Myth 1: Bed bugs are too tiny to be noticeable.

Our experts on pest control in Carmel know that in most cases, bed bugs are visible. Apple seeds are roughly the size of fully grown bed bugs. Their small size along with their ability to blend in while their victims are awake make them hard to spot. Due to their quickness, the pests can dart out of the way without being noticed.

Furthermore, because bed bugs are nocturnal, it’s likely that they’ll be active at night and while you’re sleeping in your Carmel house. There’s a chance that bed bugs aren’t visible from where you are in your house. You should be able to identify bed bugs or their warning indicators, such as black smears or blood stains on bedding and upholstery, if you know how to inspect for them. If you see these indicators call a bed bug exterminator in Carmel.


Pest Control in Carmel

Myth #2: Bed bugs are only found in dirty houses

A pest control in Carmel explains bed bugs don’t care about the state of your house. The only thing that matters to them is if there are humans nearby to consume. Be it a clean or dirty house, bed bugs are always looking for food. Good cleaning practices, however, might increase your chances of identifying bed bugs early on when infestations are typically easier to eradicate.


Myth #3: Only beds contain bed bugs

The place where bed bugs typically feed gave rise to their name. You might be surprised to learn that they may not always be near your bed and that they can infest other parts of the house, according to a bed bug exterminator in Carmel. Bed bugs frequently depart from your bed in search of a good hiding place after being fed. It is not unusual to discover bed bugs and evidence of their presence in almost every room of a house during in-depth inspections.

Among the areas in your Carmel house where bed bugs can be found are in electrical outlets, drawers, light fixtures, electronics, couches, and other upholstered furniture. They can also be found around baseboards.

Pest Control in Carmel

Myth #4: Bed bugs don’t pose a threat

As a leader for pest control in Carmel, Smithereen knows that contrary to popular belief, bed bugs are a major annoyance. Although they aren’t known to transmit illnesses, bed bugs can trigger allergic reactions when they bite. In delicate individuals, this may cause a life-threatening medical emergency. It’s best to deal with an infestation as soon as possible because you probably won’t realize you have an allergy until you get bitten.

Pest Control in Carmel

Myth #5: Bed bugs will disappear by themselves

Bed bugs won’t leave your Carmel house as long as they can find food there. While some may choose to hitchhike to new residences, the majority will remain and eat until they are completely satisfied. If an infestation is ignored, the pests will continue to proliferate and cause more damage.

Pest Control in Carmel

Myth #6: Pets can carry bed bugs

Despite the fact that bed bugs can feed on your pets, it is unlikely that they will remain on them while they are awake and moving around. Rather than trying to stay concealed in your pet’s fur, bed bugs are much more likely to hide around their bed or in their carrying case.


Myth #7: You are capable of eliminating bed bugs on your own

Pest Control in Carmel


As a leader for pest control in Carmel, Smithereen knows that bed bugs are adept at more than just hiding. They have adapted to go for extended periods of time without food. When in danger, bed bugs will hide deep within your home’s interior spaces until they sense the threat has passed. When Carmel homeowners attempt to eradicate bed bugs from their homes, this reaction frequently yields false positives, only for issues to resurface days, weeks, or months later.

To effectively manage bed bug infestations, it is advisable to contact professionals – or a bed bug exterminator in Carmel who possess the requisite knowledge, equipment, and supplies.


Roll out the red carpet, Carmel! Smithereen, your pest control Avengers, is here to save your day. As the ‘Iron Man’ of pest control companies in Carmel, we’ve been flexing our extermination muscles across commercial and residential properties since 1888. Whether it’s a cozy cottage, bustling bistro, vibrant school, serene healthcare facility, or even your own home, no place is too daunting for our amazing Carmel pest control company.

Our savvy experts on residential pest control in Carmel are the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ of the insect world. We deftly identify pest problems, sniff out conditions that attract these unwanted guests, and craft cunning plans for their ousting and future discouragement. We’re on a mission to deliver pest control solutions that are as reliable as a superhero’s sidekick. From apartment pest control in Carmel to rodent control in Carmel, Smithereen is ready to help!Pest Control in Carmel

Our secret weapon? The Integrated Pest Management approach – a strategic game of chess focusing on extermination and prevention. This involves a thorough reconnaissance of your Carmel property, tackling conditions that fuel your pest problem, and sealing off entryways tighter than Fort Knox.

As Green Shield Certified, we’re the eco-friendly ‘Captain Planet’ of the pest control services in Carmel, offering sustainable control strategies for long-term peace of mind. Be it termite infestations or bed bug control in Carmel, Smithereen is your trusted ally.

So, pick up that Batphone and dial 317-279-6474 or fill out a form here for top-notch, comprehensive pest services in Carmel.


Carmel Pest Control Company: Awesomely Impossible Ants 101 Sun, 10 Dec 2023 15:45:54 +0000 Read More about Carmel Pest Control Company: Awesomely Impossible Ants 101 »]]> Carmel Pest Control Company: Ants 101

A Carmel pest control company know that when ants invade your house, they can be difficult to get rid of because they appear to come from everywhere. Ever wonder why ants are drawn to your house in the first place? In spite of warm weather and high humidity, you can keep ants out of your house by following these five typical reasons why they are drawn to homes and some important preventative advice.

Carmel Pest Control Company

Why do ants get into things?

Ants typically enter homes in search of food and shelter. Usually, they dispatch scouts to find the best locations for the colony. The colony will grow as more members find things like food remnants, simple access to water, and easily accessible shelter.

The weather has an impact on their behavior as well. Ants are much more likely to start searching for safe havens inside during cold or rainy weather which is why sometimes you need pest services in Carmel.

Carmel Pest Control Company

Does destroying ants draw in more of them?

A Carmel pest control company explains that regretfully, it does. Pheromones released by dead ants alert neighboring ants, who usually take their dead back to a place known as a midden. To keep infections away from the hive, dead ants, waste, and contamination are stored in the midden.

Carmel Pest Control Company

Five causes of ants entering houses

For similar reasons, most ants in the United States, regardless of species, are drawn into homes. The top five reasons why your home might have an ant infestation are listed below.


  1. Sweet Foods

Ant infestations are common in kitchens, pantries, and other areas where food is kept because ants are always searching for easily accessible food sources. They enjoy sweet, sugary foods, both real and manufactured. Food fragments, sugary snacks, spilled soda, and even fruits and vegetables on the counter all draw the attention of ants which is why sometimes you need professional pest services in Carmel.

Carmel Pest Control Company

  1. Grease

A Carmel pest control company explains that in addition to food, another thing that draws ants is leftover grease and food residue, which is frequently found on your stovetop, the sides of food storage containers, countertops, or trash cans. These minuscule food particles that humans tend to ignore serve as ants’ equivalent of beacons. Grease residue must be cleaned up, especially in restaurants, to keep pests out.



  1. Wetness

A Carmel pest control company explains that numerous ant species search for a reliable and convenient source of both food and water. Water draws ants because it is necessary for their growth and reproduction. An ideal habitat for ants can be produced by poorly sealed windows and doors, as well as leaky sinks, toilets, and other fixtures. An ant infestation may also result from standing water in laundry rooms or close to clogged floor drains.

Carmel Pest Control Company

  1. Accessible

Ants can enter a space with little difficulty. Ant entrances can be created by holes in your walls, cracks in your foundation, and shoddy window and door sealing. They are also capable of navigating gaps in the floorboards, loose baseboards, and holes in walls which is why sometimes you need pest services in Carmel.


  1. Rotten wood

After a downpour, wood in your house may retain too much moisture due to leaky gutters or pipes. This is frequently enough moisture to provide ants with the ideal place to hide out. Soft, decaying, or wet wood is the ideal habitat for carpenter ants to burrow. To get to a place of refuge, other ant species can follow trails left behind by termites or carpenter ants.

Carmel Pest Control Company

A Carmel Pest Control Company Explains How to stop ants from entering your house:

Knowing what attracts ants to your house will help you take precautions against ant attraction and avoid an infestation.

Begin by routinely cleaning your kitchen. Keep food in airtight containers and never leave spills or crumbs behind. Additionally, be sure that the trash is kept in sealed containers.

Carmel Pest Control Company

Remove any excess moisture

Use a dehumidifier to reduce the amount of moisture in the air if your home is overly damp. Make sure your Carmel house is leak-free and promptly take care of any water damage.

Carmel Pest Control Company

Protect your house

Cutting down on ants’ access is the last line of defense against them. Look for any gaps or fractures on the outside of your Carmel house that could let bugs in. Make sure every window and door has a screen and that all of the screens are in place.


Carmel Pest Control Company

Common ant species found in homes

There are many different kinds of ants that can enter your Carmel house, but they are drawn to similar objects and have a lot in common. These are the most typical kinds that you’ll come across.

Carmel Pest Control Company

Argentine Ants

Argentine ants are most likely what you’re seeing if you notice ants moving in a very long single-file line. They are usually small, dark-colored, and have a reputation for forming hostile super-colonies by combining with other colonies. Because of their size, bites from Argentine ants rarely hurt people.

Carmel Pest Control Company

Carpenter Ants

A Carmel pest control company explains that carpenter ants are usually about ½ of an inch in size and can be red, brown, or black in color. They are wingless, with the exception of the swarmers, which hatch in the spring and summer, and have easily identifiable heart-shaped heads. They are frequently mistaken for termites due to their similar sizes and shared burrowing behavior in wood. When there is a lot of moisture present, carpenter ants like to build their nests in wet or damaged wood.


Crazy Ants

Crazy ants are usually about ⅛ of an inch long and have a reddish-brown color. Occasionally, crazy ants will construct their nests inside walls or in electrical equipment such as air conditioners, despite their natural tendency to build their nests outdoors and venture inside buildings to search for food. They are annoying pests because of their large populations, unpredictable movements, and stinging bite. They are also known for quickly taking over a yard or house which is why sometimes you need pest services in Carmel.

Carmel Pest Control Company

Big-Headed Ant

The color of big-headed ants varies from yellow to a dark reddish-brown. Their moniker comes from the large heads compared to their bodies of the major workers. Usually, foundation cracks allow them to enter homes. Although they usually don’t nest inside, big-headed ants are drawn to your yard and will enter to search for food.

Carmel Pest Control Company

Odorous Ants

The pungent, decaying scent that the crushed odorous house ant emits is what gives it its name. They range from dark brown to black in size. They are widespread in the US and look for moisture under dripping faucets or within the walls of your Carmel house.

Carmel Pest Control Company

Fire Ants

A Carmel pest control company explains that fire ants are distinguished by their stinger and dull red color. These ants create noticeable soil mounds in sunny regions because they are drawn to heat and light. They are a species of aggressive ants that consume both dead animals and live insects. Fire ants are drawn to fatty and sugary foods when they are inside a house. They can bite and sting, producing excruciatingly painful welts that have the potential to turn into blisters.

Carmel Pest Control Company

Pest Services in Carmel

Hiring a reputable pest control company like Smithereen is the best way to deal with an ant infestation in your Carmel house. Smithereen is without a doubt the industry leader in pest control solutions thanks to their tried-and-true techniques, skilled technicians, and top-notch products and services.

In addition to providing safe and reasonably priced extermination for your existing issues, a Carmel pest control company also provide preventative treatments to address possible threats before they arise. For a free estimate and help controlling your pest problem, contact us right now.

Carmel Pest Control Company


Roll out the red carpet, Carmel! Smithereen, your pest control Avengers, is here to save your day. As the ‘Iron Man’ of pest control companies in Carmel, we’ve been flexing our extermination muscles across commercial and residential properties since 1888. Whether it’s a cozy cottage, bustling bistro, vibrant school, serene healthcare facility, or even your own home, no place is too daunting for our amazing Carmel pest control company.

Our savvy experts on residential pest control in Carmel are the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ of the insect world. We deftly identify pest problems, sniff out conditions that attract these unwanted guests, and craft cunning plans for their ousting and future discouragement. We’re on a mission to deliver pest control solutions that are as reliable as a superhero’s sidekick. From apartment pest control in Carmel to rodent control in Carmel, Smithereen is ready to help!Carmel Pest Control Company

Our secret weapon? The Integrated Pest Management approach – a strategic game of chess focusing on extermination and prevention. This involves a thorough reconnaissance of your Carmel property, tackling conditions that fuel your pest problem, and sealing off entryways tighter than Fort Knox.

As Green Shield Certified, we’re the eco-friendly ‘Captain Planet’ of the pest control services in Carmel, offering sustainable control strategies for long-term peace of mind. Be it termite infestations or bed bug control in Carmel, Smithereen is your trusted ally.

So, pick up that Batphone and dial 317-279-6474 or fill out a form here for top-notch, comprehensive pest services in Carmel.

Pest Control Companies in Carmel: Creepy Crawly Spiders 101 Fri, 01 Dec 2023 15:36:10 +0000 Read More about Pest Control Companies in Carmel: Creepy Crawly Spiders 101 »]]> Pest Control Companies in Carmel: Creepy Crawly Spiders 101–Given their widespread distribution across the United States, house spiders can be found in a variety of locations within your home, including your garage and basement and sometimes you have to call on pest control companies in Carmel to eliminate the issue. Pest Control Services in Carmel will go over the responses to commonly asked questions concerning house spiders in this article and examine the traits of a few different species.


Pest Control Companies in Carmel: How do spiders work?

Spiders are members of the arachnid family and have eight legs. Spiders are all predators, which means they consume other insects, despite the differences in their appearances and habits.

Pest Control in Carmel

Pest Control Companies in Carmel: Can you trust house spiders?

Because they aid in regulating the numbers of other insects, spiders are vital to all ecosystems in which they exist. Cockroaches, earwigs, flies, and mosquitoes are among the pests that common house spiders can consume. Thus, in theory, even though homeowners detest them, spiders can be beneficial in some situations.

To protect people and pets in your house, certain species should be removed as they have the potential to bite. In addition, some homeowners may find it uncomfortable to have certain species in their homes.

Pest Control in Carmel

Pest Control Companies in Carmel: What sustains spiders?

Typically, common house spiders feed on other insects. Larger spiders might consume other creatures, such as snails and worms.

Pest Control in Carmel

Pest Control Companies in Carmel: Are house spiders venomous?

Even if they did, common house spiders would be too tiny to do much harm or discomfort. Spider bites can cause allergic reactions in certain people, causing swelling and itching.

Pest Control in Carmel

Pest Control Companies in Carmel: Do house spiders pose a threat?

Depending on the species and the occupants of your home, house spiders can be dangerous. Unless you have a severe allergy, non-venomous spiders are not dangerous.


Pest Control in Carmel

Pest Control Companies in Carmel: Typical kinds of house spiders

Spiders come in over 46,000 different species worldwide which is why sometimes you need pest control services in Carmel, with many common species found in the United States.

The following are a few of the most prevalent kinds of house spiders:

American house spiders: These tan, brown, or gray spiders have dark brown patterns and are typically about the size of a nickel. There is no poison in American house spiders.

Long-bodied cellar spiders: Often referred to as “daddy-long-legs,” these spiders are round in shape and have elongated, thin legs. Like house spiders in America, they are not toxic.

Brown recluses: Brown recluses are poisonous spiders that are about a third of an inch long and have oval, brown or gray bodies with a violin-shaped marking on their back. They are found in fifteen states which is why sometimes you need pest control services in Carmel.

Sac spiders: Sac spiders have oval bodies that are about half an inch long and are colored pale yellow or beige. Although they don’t bite people fatally, they can cause allergic reactions.

Jumping spiders: Compared to many other house spiders, jumping spiders are larger, measuring about an inch in length. Their bodies are usually two-toned, mottled, or beige, tan, or black. They are also typically hairy. If this species feels threatened, it will bite, but unless you have an allergy, the bites are usually not harmful.

Hobo spiders: Also referred to as funnel weavers, these brown or tan, hairless spiders have no markings on them. Typically, they have a length of about half an inch. Despite being more aggressive than other breeds, hobo spider bites typically only irritate the victim slightly unless they are allergic to them.

Pest Control Companies in Carmel

If you discover spider webs or notice the spiders moving around your home, you will know you have spiders. A Carmel home’s size, location, and other elements determine how many spiders call it home. Spider species can range from 0 to up to 30 in the average home.



Are webs made by house spiders?

Numerous common house spiders, such as jumping spiders, brown recluses, American house spiders, daddy long-legs, and hobo spiders, are known to weave webs. Wolf spiders are unlikely to be found in your home; instead, they burrow rather than spin webs. While some sac spiders create webs, others do not.

Pest Control in Carmel

Within the Carmel house, where do house spiders reside?

Spiders can reside in any room of your house which is why sometimes you need pest control services in Carmel, including the kitchen and the bedroom. Nonetheless, cool, dark spaces like crawl spaces and basements are more likely to be home to spiders. They are frequently located in attics as well.

Pest Control in Carmel

How do outdoor spiders enter?

There are several ways for a spider to enter your house. They could infiltrate through open windows or doors or exploit structural openings, crevices, and gaps in your house. They may occasionally be brought inside on animals or goods you’ve brought in from places like storage areas.

Pest Control in Carmel

Pest Control Services in Carmel

A variety of spider-related services are provided by Smithereen, including preventative measures that lessen the likelihood that spiders will ever enter your home. Since the interior of your house is the last place you want to see spiders, we treat it regularly and have an efficient perimeter around it.



Roll out the red carpet, Carmel! Smithereen, your pest control Avengers, is here to save your day. As the ‘Iron Man’ of pest control companies in Carmel, we’ve been flexing our extermination muscles across commercial and residential properties since 1888. Whether it’s a cozy cottage, bustling bistro, vibrant school, serene healthcare facility, or even your own home, no place is too daunting for our amazing Carmel pest control company.

Our savvy experts on residential pest control in Carmel are the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ of the insect world. We deftly identify pest problems, sniff out conditions that attract these unwanted guests, and craft cunning plans for their ousting and future discouragement. We’re on a mission to deliver pest control solutions that are as reliable as a superhero’s sidekick. From apartment pest control in Carmel to rodent control in Carmel, Smithereen is ready to help!Pest Control in Carmel

Our secret weapon? The Integrated Pest Management approach – a strategic game of chess focusing on extermination and prevention. This involves a thorough reconnaissance of your Carmel property, tackling conditions that fuel your pest problem, and sealing off entryways tighter than Fort Knox.

As Green Shield Certified, we’re the eco-friendly ‘Captain Planet’ of the pest control services in Carmel, offering sustainable control strategies for long-term peace of mind. Be it termite infestations or bed bug control in Carmel, Smithereen is your trusted ally.

So, pick up that Batphone and dial 317-279-6474 or fill out a form here for top-notch, comprehensive pest services in Carmel.

#1 Bug Control in Carmel: The Bed Bug Kind Wed, 22 Nov 2023 07:00:27 +0000 Read More about #1 Bug Control in Carmel: The Bed Bug Kind »]]> Bug Control in Carmel


Bug Control in Carmel: Are Bed Bugs Killed by Bleach? Discover Reality!

Hi everyone! It’s crucial to understand that while bleach will undoubtedly kill Camel bed bugs that come into direct contact with it, it won’t always eradicate them all. Experts at hiding in small spaces, bed bugs can be found near their food source—you—in mattresses, box springs, walls, floors, and furniture. Therefore, even though bleach can be a somewhat effective temporary fix, it wouldn’t hurt to hire a bed bug exterminator in Carmel to conduct a home inspection.


Bug Control in Carmel: Does bed bug bleaching work?

Why It Might Not Be the Best Idea to Kill Bed Bugs With Bleach

Does bleach instantly eradicate bed bugs? As tempting as it may sound, using bleach might not be the best idea for those Carmel bed bugs. While bleach can be a very effective insecticide, it is dangerous, can contaminate surfaces, and might not get to bed bugs that are hidden inside your Indiana home.

Alternatively, think about treating the affected areas with alcohol, or better yet, give a professional bed bug exterminator in Carmel like Smithereen call. Because 91% rubbing alcohol kills bed bugs on contact without posing as many health risks as bleach, it may be a safer temporary solution to a bed bug infestation.

Alcohol is a safer alternative for you to use in your home because it evaporates quickly and doesn’t leave any toxic residues like bleach does. Furthermore, alcohol is frequently less expensive and easier to find than bleach. As with any therapeutic approach, it’s crucial to use alcohol responsibly.


Bug Control in Carmel: Advice on How to Keep Bed Bugs Out of Your Property

The first step in preventing a bed bug infestation is to actively search for them. Although there are many other places where bed bug infestations can begin in:

  • Hotels
  • Self-storage facilities
  • Hospitals (less frequently since they usually manage the problem well)
  • Jails
  • Schools

These Carmel locations are the most frequent epicenters of bed bug outbreaks. When visiting these Indiana locations, be on the lookout for bed bugs.

If you find one, take off all of your clothes before going inside your house and give them a hot wash. It’s crucial to remember that bed bugs spread like wildfire and that taking precautions by yourself might not be sufficient. For a quick, simple, and safe method that doesn’t involve using bleach to kill bed bugs, don’t be afraid to contact an expert pest control service like a professional bed bug exterminator in Carmel.


Bug Control in Carmel


Obtain A Free Quote For a Professional Bed Bug Exterminator in Carmel

Professional bug control in Carmel is the greatest option for getting rid of bed bugs. Complete bed bug eradication can be completed by our skilled crew at Smithereen. This is done with thorough treatment and a 90-day guarantee, allowing you and your family to resume enjoying your home. Select us for effective, secure bed bug extermination.


Bug Control in Carmel: Experts in Bed Bugs

Our bed bug exterminators in Carmel are a part of our highly skilled pest control company. Each Smithereen employee shares their expertise and assists you in regaining tranquility in your house. We offer specialized services to address all pest problems, including bed bugs, and we are aware of the problems that people have with animals. Give us a call if you have a bed bug infestation or if you just want more information.


Bug Control in Carmel

FAQ from our bed bug exterminator in Carmel: Does bleach kill bed bugs?

A: Although bleach can instantly kill bed bugs, it’s usually not advised and might not be the best option. While it can’t get to hidden infestations, bleach can be damaging to surfaces and textiles. Making contact with a local professional could be the best course of action for an effective bed bug infestation solution.


How long does it take bed bugs to die when bleach is used?

A: Because concentrated bleach leaves harmful residues behind, it is never advisable to spray concentrated bleach inside your home. However, it will kill most bed bugs almost instantly upon contact. It can take between 24 and 48 hours to kill bed bugs with diluted bleach, but this is also a bad idea. Rather than putting your family members at risk of chemical burns or leaving your home stained, use 91% Alcohol to quickly eradicate bed bugs.


What is the most effective way to get rid of bed bugs?

A: Hiring a professional pest control service is the best way to get rid of bed bugs. Some infestation areas may not be reached by over-the-counter remedies like alcohol or bleach.


Can I take care of a bed bug infestation by myself?

A: A bed bug exterminator in Carmel with experience will provide the best chance at total eradication, even though some DIY solutions might offer positive results. Play it safe, hire the pros at Smithereen today!


Roll out the red carpet, Carmel! Smithereen, your pest control Avengers, is here to save your day. As the ‘Iron Man’ of pest control companies in Carmel, we’ve been flexing our extermination muscles across commercial and residential properties since 1888. Whether it’s a cozy cottage, bustling bistro, vibrant school, serene healthcare facility, or even your own home, no place is too daunting for our amazing Carmel pest control company.

Our savvy experts on residential pest control in Carmel are the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ of the insect world. We deftly identify pest problems, sniff out conditions that attract these unwanted guests, and craft cunning plans for their ousting and future discouragement. We’re on a mission to deliver pest control solutions that are as reliable as a superhero’s sidekick. From apartment pest control in Carmel to rodent control in Carmel, Smithereen is ready to help!


Bug Control in Carmel


Our secret weapon? The Integrated Pest Management approach – a strategic game of chess focusing on extermination and prevention. This involves a thorough reconnaissance of your Carmel property, tackling conditions that fuel your pest problem, and sealing off entryways tighter than Fort Knox.

As Green Shield Certified, we’re the eco-friendly ‘Captain Planet’ of the pest control services in Carmel, offering sustainable control strategies for long-term peace of mind. Be it termite infestations or bed bug control in Carmel, Smithereen is your trusted ally.


Pest Control in Carmel: Creepy Crawlers, The 2023 Wolf Spider Edition Sun, 12 Nov 2023 07:00:03 +0000 Read More about Pest Control in Carmel: Creepy Crawlers, The 2023 Wolf Spider Edition »]]> Pest Control in Carmel


Welcome, friends and spider knowledge seekers, to the wild and often misunderstood world of wolf spiders in Carmel. From the Carmel forests to the rivers near Indianapolis, and yes, even to the occasional Indiana barn or garage, these fascinating creatures can be found just about everywhere in Carmel and throughout Indiana.

But don’t worry, they’re not here to scare you – they’re just looking for a warm place to spend the winter, and maybe a grasshopper or two for dinner. So, grab your magnifying glass and your sense of adventure, because Smithereen pest control services in Carmel wants the residents of Indiana to go on an arachnid adventure like no other.

Meet the Tigrosa Helluo, the Pardosa, the piraticus piratus, and the oh-so-glamorous Orgasma ocreata, each with their own unique quirks and characteristics. And let’s not forget about the Fisherman’s Dark Spider, a Carmel spider that would give any Indiana angler a run for their money.

So, whether you’re a seasoned spider enthusiast or just a curious Carmel resident, we invite you to join us on this journey into the Indiana world of crazy wolf spiders. Just remember to leave your fear at the door – after all, they’re more afraid of you than you are of them!”


Pest Control in Carmel: Carmel’s Wolf Spider Types

In Carmel, you can find a variety of wolf spiders in:

  • Grasslands
  • Forest
  • Along rivers

These Carmel spiders, which belong to the Lycosidae family, make up a significant portion of the Indiana spider population in our state. Because of their crazy size, these spiders can be a little startling to encounter. As one of the top pest control services in Carmel, we want the residents of Indiana to know — they’re more afraid of you than you are of them!

When it comes to hunting, these Carmel spiders are actually pretty amazing. Their keen vision and quick reflexes enable them to capture their prey, which includes:

  • Ants
  • Crickets
  • Grasshoppers

Some of these Indiana wolf spiders are also found inside man-made buildings like barns, garages, and houses, more often than most people would like to think. This frequently occurs in buildings situated in wolf spider-friendly environments like grasslands and forests.


Pest Control in Carmel


Pest Control in Carmel: “Heluo Tigrosa”

One of the most prevalent wolf spider species in Carmel is the Tigrosa Helluo, which is distinguished by its brown coloring and distinct black spots on the underside of the abdomen. Its brown carapace and pronounced yellow stripe that runs from its anterior eyes to the cephalothorax (waist) are additional characteristics.

This wolf spider’s body length ranges from 10 to 31 mm for females and 11 to 24 mm for males. Tigrosa Helluo spiders are wolf spiders that prefer to live in wooded areas, marshes, and fields.

During the fall, they are most frequently spotted in homes as they look for a warm place to spend the winter. These spiders are also more prevalent in homes in Carmel’s rural areas where there is an abundance of wood. Human bites by Tigrosa Helluo spiders are rare unless they are provoked.

Their bites have a small amount of venom that will hurt a little and give you a noticeable bump, but nothing dangerous. Like most Carmel wolf spiders, Tigrosa Helluo is a sexual cannibal. The larger spider—typically the female—will devour the smaller one without feeling guilty after the male and female have mated.


Pest Control in Carmel: Family of Spiders, the Pardosa

Though they go by the name “Thin-Legged Wolf Spiders,” Pardosa wolf spiders are a larger genus of wolf spiders that are found in Carmel. Their dark-colored body with white stripes on the abdomen and carapace helps to identify them.

Instead of creating web shelters, the Thin-Legged Wolf spider prefers to scavenge their area in search of insect prey. Although some Pardosa Wolf Spiders are habitat generalists—unlike other spiders in Carmel—they still favor areas near water, forests, and brush piles.

In addition, during the fall and winter, when they are looking for warmth and insects to eat, Carmel’s Thin-Legged Wolf Spiders can be spotted in garages and homes. Following mating, the female will hold onto the egg sac until the eggs are fully developed, at which point she will use her jaws to rip the sac open to let the spiderlings out.

Although they usually do not bite unless provoked, Thin-Legged Wolf Spider bites cause excruciating pain and obvious skin damage. Call for professional pest control services in Carmel if you need assistance today.


Pest Control in Carmel


Pest Control in Carmel: “Piraticus Piratus”

Another frequent species that lives close to water sources, like ponds and marshes, is the pirate wolf spider. They are members of the “Pirata” genus. This is a smaller species of wolf spider found in Carmel; the males are only about 6mm long, while the females measure about 9mm.

Their distinctive features include a reddish-brown abdomen, a mustard-colored cardiac mark in the center, and white stripes on both the abdomen and carapace. These spiders rarely bite, and when they do, it usually just results in a tiny bump and some mild discomfort.


Pest Control in Carmel: “Orgasma Ocreata”

The brush-legged wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata, is found in Northeast Indiana’s deciduous forests. Houses next to forests are a common habitat for these spiders in counties all over Indiana. When they start looking for a warm place to spend the winter, Carmel residents frequently spot this common wolf spider in garages and homes in the fall.

The tan-colored Schizocosa ocreata spider is easily identified by its dark, hairy legs. The males are roughly 10-11mm in length, and the females are 10-13mm. When it comes to hunting and activities, they are out day and night pursuing insects like:

  • Grasshoppers
  • Ants
  • Crickets

Furthermore, when these spiders become agitated, they bite, causing mild discomfort and swelling.


Pest Control in Carmel: Fisherman’s Dark Spider “Canis Tenebrosus”

Even though they go by the name “Dark Fishing Spider,” these common Carmel spiders are usually found far from bodies of water, though occasionally they get inside houses that are close to forests. Frequently misidentified as wolf spiders (Lycosidae family), they actually belong to the Pisauridae family.

The ability to run freely over water in the wild while hunting down prey like insects and occasionally small fish makes Dark Fishing Spiders somewhat unique. Male and female bodies measure 7–13 mm and 12-26 mm, respectively, respectively, making the females larger. They are capable of hibernating and have an average lifespan of two years.

The rust-colored stripes on the harry legs of Dark Fishing Spiders help identify them from other dark brown spider species. As of July 2020, 290 confirmed sightings of Dolomedes tenebrosus had been reported, 90 of which had been reported in man-made structures, according to

When provoked, Dark Fishing Spiders will bite people, and their bites typically hurt about the same as a bee or wasp sting in terms of discomfort. Dragonflies are frequently observed feeding on the younger Dark Fishing Spiders, while birds and snakes are the main predators of these spiders.


Pest Control in Carmel: Wolf Spider from Carolina “Carolinesis Hogna”

The largest wolf spider in Carmel is the Carolina wolf spider, or Hogna carolinesis. Carmel Males are about 18–20 mm in size, and Carmel females range in size from 22–35 mm. Description for your information: their legs are a lighter shade of brown without any hair, and their body is brown with a darker underside.

Caroline wolf spiders feed on:

  • Small spiders
  • Invertebrates
  • Crickets
  • Ants

They have been observed feeding on other bugs and cockroaches when they have been discovered close to residences. Like the majority of wolf spider species in Carmel, Carolina wolf spiders hunt without using webs; instead, they wait outside their burrow and strike when their prey approaches.


Pest Control in Carmel: How do house-dwelling wolf spiders enter?

Indiana wolf spiders that are found in Carmel can enter homes through small openings like windows and foundation cracks. There are two main reasons why wolf spiders might enter Indiana homes.

Carmel wolf spiders typically enter homes in the fall when the weather cools off and they start looking for a warm place to stay during the winter. They do, however, occasionally enter homes in quest of prey like ants, cockroaches, tiny spiders, etc. Furthermore, Carmel wolf spiders may inadvertently enter your house while looking for food or cover.


Pest Control in Carmel: What is the Size of Carmel’s Wolf Spiders?

Although Carmel wolf spider sizes vary widely, as adults they typically measure between 10 and 25 mm. For instance, female Carolina Wolf Spiders measure between 22 and 35 mm, whereas males measure between 18 and 20 mm.


Pest Control in Carmel: Will I Get Bitten by a Carmel Wolf Spider?

If a Carmel wolf spider senses danger or agitation, it will bite. Generally speaking, the spider will flee before you can come into contact with it. Nevertheless, it is not advised to attempt to handle a wolf spider as you could get bitten.


Pest Control in Carmel: Are Carmel’s Wolf Spiders Toxic?

Carmel’s wolf spiders are not toxic. The Brown Recluse Spider and the Black Widow are the only two species of spiders in North America with venom, according to the Department of Natural Resources. Fortunately, in Carmel, these spiders are not very common.


I have wolf spiders; should I hire professional pest control services in Carmel or not?

Although wolf spiders don’t usually pose a threat to people, their presence in your home suggests that there are plenty of insects for them to eat. If you really must get rid of them, think about working with a specialist from pest control services in Carmel.


Pest Control in Carmel: Wolf Spider Habitat in Carmel

Carmel’s wolf spiders inhabit a variety of habitats and can be found anywhere there are insects for them to eat. While they can live in a variety of habitats, open areas like grasslands tend to be their most abundant, and meadows and farm fields are common places to see them. While the majority of species prefer to remain on the ground, some can be observed hunting for food by scaling trees and other plants.

It’s interesting to note that certain wolf spider species have also been observed searching the edges of ponds and marshes for food, sometimes diving into the water to retrieve their prey! Wolf spiders are known to venture outside of their natural habitats and into buildings constructed by humans, including:

  • Sheds
  • Homes
  • Barns
  • Garages

That is usually where they may hunt insects and other small prey.


Pest Control in Carmel: The Way Carmel Wolf Spiders Hunt

Wolf spiders can be found in Carmel during the day or at night, though certain species are more active during the latter. Some prefer to patrol a certain area and then head back to a resting place, while others prefer to roam around in search of food.

In order to wait for prey or predators to pass by, some species even dig tunnels, sometimes using those made by other animals. Other species erect turrets or protective walls around their tunnels. Wolf spiders are solitary animals that only gather during mating season. They hunt alone.


Pest Control in Carmel: Spider Population Prevention

In Carmel, wolf spiders are frequently discovered in homes where there is a large insect population. Smithereen can be hired for an annual perimeter spray – or other pest control services in Carmel – to easily prevent wolf spider infestations.

For many homeowners, preventive pest control services in Carmel are the best option because an annual perimeter spray costs a fraction of what it would to completely eradicate an infestation. You can get in touch with The Smithereen by calling us or visiting our page dedicated to spider extermination services.


Roll out the red carpet, Carmel! Smithereen, your pest control Avengers, is here to save your day. As the ‘Iron Man’ of pest control companies in Carmel, we’ve been flexing our extermination muscles across commercial and residential properties since 1888. Whether it’s a cozy cottage, bustling bistro, vibrant school, serene healthcare facility, or even your own home, no place is too daunting for our amazing Carmel pest control company.

Our savvy experts on residential pest control in Carmel are the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ of the insect world. We deftly identify pest problems, sniff out conditions that attract these unwanted guests, and craft cunning plans for their ousting and future discouragement. We’re on a mission to deliver pest control solutions that are as reliable as a superhero’s sidekick. From apartment pest control in Carmel to rodent control in Carmel, Smithereen is ready to help!


Pest Control in Carmel


Our secret weapon? The Integrated Pest Management approach – a strategic game of chess focusing on extermination and prevention. This involves a thorough reconnaissance of your Carmel property, tackling conditions that fuel your pest problem, and sealing off entryways tighter than Fort Knox.

As Green Shield Certified, we’re the eco-friendly ‘Captain Planet’ of the pest control services in Carmel, offering sustainable control strategies for long-term peace of mind. Be it termite infestations or bed bug control in Carmel, Smithereen is your trusted ally.

So, pick up that Batphone and dial 317-279-6474 or fill out a form here for top-notch, comprehensive pest services in Carmel.

Pest Control Companies in Carmel: What You Need to Know About Cockroaches in 2023 Wed, 01 Nov 2023 06:00:29 +0000 Read More about Pest Control Companies in Carmel: What You Need to Know About Cockroaches in 2023 »]]> Pest Control Companies in Carmel


Welcome to the not-so-glamorous world of cockroach control with pest services in Carmel, dear reader! Have you ever had a moment where you’re just about to put your feet up after a long day, only to spot a tiny, disgusting intruder scuttling across your freshly cleaned Carmel kitchen counter?

Yes, our experts on pest control in Carmel are talking about the uninvited Carmel party-pooper – the traditional and ominous cockroach. A sight here in Indiana that can turn even the bravest of hearts into squeamish souls.

One minute, you’re ready to host the party of the year in Carmel, and the next, you’re frantically Googling “Pest Control Companies in Carmel: Cockroaches.” Oh, the horror! Don’t worry about those nasty crawlers, for this blog is your ultimate guide on how to show these unwelcome guests the door with pest services in Carmel.

Before you let out a scream worthy of a horror movie at the sight of a single cockroach, remember, it might just be a lone ranger you brought home from the supermarket. They’ve got quite the knack for hitching rides in grocery bags or sneaking in through open doors and windows.

However, if you start to notice signs like droppings, eggshells, or – hold onto your hats – more cockroaches, then it’s time to call in the big guns. And by big guns, we mean reliable pest control companies in Carmel, who are armed with expertise and the right tools to make your home roach-free again.

So knock off that roach and grab a tasty beverage, and join Smithereen, the kings in the world of pest control in Carmel. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll be ready to tackle any roach in Carmel that dares to cross your path. Let’s roll up our sleeves and annihilate the problem to Smithereens? See what we did there?


Pest Control Companies in Carmel: Cockroaches Appearing Out Of Nowhere?

You’ve just put the finishing touches on your Carmel home and given it a thorough once-over before stepping back to admire your hard work. You are now ready for your party guests. And then, just as quickly as it began, your happiness will be shattered.

What was zipping across my kitchen counter? I think I heard a cockroach. What will my friends and family think if they come over and see one? Just how do I pick out cockroaches? Is this a sign that cockroaches have invaded my Carmel house?


Pest Control Companies in Carmel


It is commonly believed that where there is one cockroach in Indiana, there are many more that you cannot see. It’s true most of the time, but not always. It’s possible that you brought this lone cockroach home from the Carmel supermarket with you today. The filthy pest could have been hiding in the creases of the paper bag that contained your food. Or perhaps it was concealed within a sack of potatoes.

The idea almost made it into your Carmel home in a purse. Cockroaches can invade your Carmel home in countless different ways. Now comes the hard part: figuring out what kind of cockroach you have and where to look for signs of an infestation:

  • Pantries
  • Cupboards
  • Under sinks: Kitchen, Bathroom, etc.
  • Any dark locations or cracks where cockroaches can hide


These are just some of the many places here in Carmel and places inside our state where cockroaches will congregate in search of food and water.


Pest Control Companies in Carmel


The German cockroach is the most common species of cockroach in Indiana. German cockroaches are the most common type of cockroach in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, followed by American cockroaches and, rarely, Oriental cockroaches. Our Cockroach Pest ID page can help you determine what kind of cockroaches may require pest control companies in Carmel to exterminate them.


The Telltale Signs of a Carmel Cockroach Problem

  • The first step in getting rid of cockroaches is to inspect your home thoroughly for their potential entry points.
  • Trying to spot individual cockroach poop.
  • Keep an eye out for tiny, unhatched eggshells or unhatched eggs.
  • Adult cockroaches can be caught in the act by suddenly turning on a light or slamming a cabinet door.
  • If you notice any of these things, it’s likely that you have a cockroach infestation.

If you see any roaches, don’t hesitate to call Smithereen, one of the top pest control companies in Carmel.

In conclusion, the appearance of German cockroaches in your Carmel home is frustrating. That because of the ‘ick’ factor, but also due to the health risks they pose to all people. It’s important to remember that where there’s one, there are likely many. These pests are:

  • Clever
  • Adept at hiding
  • Reproduce rapidly

It is quite a challenge to eliminate these pests without the help of Smithereen, one of the top pest control companies in Carmel.

German cockroaches in Carmel are actually common. They are scary intruders in homes across Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana. Identifying an infestation in Carmel early is key to preventing it from becoming a larger problem. Look out for signs such as:

  • Droppings
  • Eggshells
  • Even catching them in the act

When it comes to handling these unwelcome guests, the best pest control companies in Carmel stand as a beacon of hope. Smithereen has vast experience in:

  • Commercial and residential properties
  • Expertise in identifying and solving pest problems
  • Eco-friendly approaches and solutions

Smithereen is the go-to option for comprehensive pest services in Carmel.

So, if you are in Carmel and find yourself playing host to these uninvited guests, don’t hesitate. Reach out to Smithereen Pest Management Services. Let one of the top pest control companies in Carmel handle the problem so you can get back to enjoying your beautiful, pest-free home.





Roll out the red carpet, Carmel! Smithereen, your pest control Avengers, is here to save your day. As the ‘Iron Man’ of pest control companies in Carmel, we’ve been flexing our extermination muscles across commercial and residential properties since 1888.

Whether it’s a cozy cottage, bustling bistro, vibrant school, serene healthcare facility, or even your own home, no place is too daunting for our amazing Carmel pest control company.

Our savvy experts on residential pest control in Carmel are the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ of the insect world. We deftly identify pest problems, sniff out conditions that attract these unwanted guests, and craft cunning plans for their ousting and future discouragement.

We’re on a mission to deliver pest control solutions that are as reliable as a superhero’s sidekick. From apartment pest control in Carmel to rodent control in Carmel, Smithereen is ready to help!


Pest Control Companies in Carmel


Our secret weapon? The Integrated Pest Management approach – a strategic game of chess focusing on extermination and prevention. This involves a thorough reconnaissance of your Carmel property, tackling conditions that fuel your pest problem, and sealing off entryways tighter than Fort Knox.

As Green Shield Certified, we’re the eco-friendly ‘Captain Planet’ of the pest control services in Carmel, offering sustainable control strategies for long-term peace of mind. Be it termite infestations or bed bug control in Carmel, Smithereen is your trusted ally.


Pest Services In Carmel – 4 Common Home Infestations Sun, 22 Oct 2023 06:00:57 +0000 Read More about Pest Services In Carmel – 4 Common Home Infestations »]]> Pest Services in Carmel

So, you’ve found your dream home in Carmel, with its perfect white picket fence, manicured lawn, and the ideal nook for your morning coffee. But what if I told you there could be uninvited guests that have also made themselves quite comfortable? Yes, we’re talking about pests! From bed bugs cozying up in your mattress to termites hosting their wood-chomping parties in your foundation – these critters can turn your dream home into a living nightmare.

But fear not, this blog post is your knight in shining armor, all set to arm you with crucial information about common home infestations and how Smithereen, the superheroes of pest control in Carmel, can come to your rescue. Your home is quite possibly your most valuable asset and protecting it with pest services in Carmel are crucial to making sure it remains structurally sound. There are numerous different insects and rodents that can negatively affect the integrity of your home. If you think your home is the victim of an infestation, it’s time to call the experts.

At Smithereen, we can identify the source of the problem and provide a treatment plan to get rid of those pesky insects and rodents once and for all. We offer pest control in Carmel, that will give you peace of mind that your home will be protected from any unwanted little creatures.

Here are some of the most common insects and rodents that our team can prevent from infesting your home in Carmel.

  • Bed Bugs
  • Termites
  • Ants
  • Spiders


Pest Services In Carmel – Bed Bugs

These tiny insects can live in a variety of places. The most common area where they are found is rather obvious, the bed. More specifically, mattresses and box springs.

Bed bugs can be challenging to see because they are so small. In fact, many people aren’t suspicious of bed bugs until they see bite marks on their bodies. People often confuse a bed bug bite mark with one by a mosquito or flea.

The only true way to confirm if you have bed bugs is to call a company that specializes in bed bug control in Carmel. These experts will check furniture, blankets, box springs, and mattresses to see if there is a bed bug infestation in your home.


Pest Services in Carmel


Pest Services In Carmel – Termites

If you notice any wood damage within your home, it could be due to a termite infestation. Termites live by eating lumber, which can cause structural damage if they are not detected early.

Once termites have entered a home, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of experts on termite removal in Carmel. Splitting wood, hollow wood, and mud tubes are all signs of a termite infestation that will likely require a professional to remove.


Pest Services In Carmel – Ants

During warmer seasons, you may notice ants around or possibly inside your home. Although ants are relatively harmless, they are still a nuisance that you want to keep away. If you are able to find the nest, you can put insecticide inside of it to eliminate the queen(s). You can use direct treatment or use bait when terminating an ant’s nest.

If you are unable to find the nest and ants continue to be a problem, contact Smithereen to provide professional pest services in Carmel. Our team will quickly identify the problem area and make sure those ants are a thing of the past.


Pest Services in Carmel


Pest Services In CarmelSpiders

Most spiders tend to thrive in moist, dark environments. So, if you are checking for spiders inside of your home, they would likely be in a bathroom or basement. Spiders also tend to build webs in corners of rooms after gaining entry through small cracks and crevices.

The best way to avoid spiders getting in your home is to seal all cracks and crevices, as well as keeping windows and doors shut. However, should you have a spider infestation in your home, our team at Smithereen specializes in pest services in Carmel and will help remove your spider problem.


Pest Services In CarmelInteresting Facts About Termites from a Leader in Termite Removal in Carmel

As one of the leaders for pest services in Carmel, Smithereen Termite & Pest Control knows that termites can be very problematic to homeowners. As most people know, termites thrive on wood, which is responsible for the structural integrity of most homes. If a termite issue goes undetected for an extended period, the damages could be significant.

Although they can be a major nuisance to homeowners, there are some very noteworthy facts about termites. Here is some information about termites from a leading pest control in Carmel team.


Pest Services In Carmel – Termites Have Been Around for Over 100 Million Years!

It is estimated that termites have been on Earth for over 100 million years. That seems impossible to even begin thinking about! Many evolutionists seem to believe that termites roamed the Earth even before the dinosaurs. Some estimate that they have been on Earth for over 250 million years. No wonder Carmel termite removal can be so challenging, especially when you are trying to eliminate an insect that has been around forever!


Pest Services In CarmelCockroaches and Termites are Related

Two of the most difficult types of insects to get rid of are termites and cockroaches. These two types of bugs are related, even though you can’t tell by comparing them. Termites tend to look more like ants, but they are considered to be social cockroaches. This is because they share similar features like specialized cases to enclose their eggs and perforations in the internal parts of their heads.

As a leading company for pest services in Carmel, our team at Smithereen knows that the praying mantis also shares similar qualities to cockroaches and termites. All three of these species are considered relatives in the insect world.


Pest Services in Carmel


Pest Services In CarmelTermites Don’t Stop Eating

Those who specialize in termite removal in Camel know that termites can do a lot of damage in a short period of time. In fact, a colony of termites is capable of eating over 1,000 pounds of wood in a year. Think about how many 2x4s that could be? Or how much damage could be done to your home? Termites can eat at this furious pace because they don’t require sleep and just keep on eating.


Pest Services In CarmelTermites Cannot Survive in Cold Weather Climates

In the United States, you can find termites in 49 of the 50 states. The only state that is lucky enough to avoid termites is Alaska. This is specifically because termites are drawn to warmer climates since they cannot survive in cold conditions. You’ll find the most abundant population of termites in states like California, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.


Your comprehensive guide from our experts on pest control in Carmel to battling the tiny terrors that threaten your peaceful Carmel residence is complete. Whether they crawl, fly, or burrow, these pests are no match for the expert services of Smithereen.

Now that you’re armed with this knowledge, you’re ready to keep your home safe from these unwelcome invaders. Remember, when it comes to pest control in Carmel, it’s always better to be proactive than reactive. So don’t wait for those pesky pests to crash your party – give Smithereen a call today and reclaim your peace of mind. After all, your home is your castle, and castles should be free of annoying intruders, right?


Roll out the red carpet, Carmel! Smithereen, your pest control Avengers, is here to save your day. As the ‘Iron Man’ of pest control companies in Carmel, we’ve been flexing our extermination muscles across commercial and residential properties since 1888. Whether it’s a cozy cottage, bustling bistro, vibrant school, serene healthcare facility, or even your own home, no place is too daunting for our amazing Carmel pest control company.

Our savvy experts on residential pest control in Carmel are the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ of the insect world. We deftly identify pest problems, sniff out conditions that attract these unwanted guests, and craft cunning plans for their ousting and future discouragement. We’re on a mission to deliver pest control solutions that are as reliable as a superhero’s sidekick. From apartment pest control in Carmel to rodent control in Carmel, Smithereen is ready to help!


Pest Services in Carmel


Our secret weapon? The Integrated Pest Management approach – a strategic game of chess focusing on extermination and prevention. This involves a thorough reconnaissance of your Carmel property, tackling conditions that fuel your pest problem, and sealing off entryways tighter than Fort Knox.

As Green Shield Certified, we’re the eco-friendly ‘Captain Planet’ of pest control services in Carmel, offering sustainable control strategies for long-term peace of mind. Be it termite infestations or bed bug control in Carmel, Smithereen is your trusted ally.

So, pick up that Batphone and dial 317-279-6474 or fill out a form here for top-notch, comprehensive pest services in Carmel.


Rodent Control in Carmel by Smithereen: Evict Uninvited Guests Sun, 15 Oct 2023 06:00:29 +0000 Read More about Rodent Control in Carmel by Smithereen: Evict Uninvited Guests »]]> Rodent Control in Carmel

Ever heard the sinister scratching of tiny claws in your walls or the soft pitter-patter of minuscule feet? Noticed gnawed holes in your pantry items or seen dark shadows scurrying out of sight? These are telltale signs that your humble abode has been invaded by uninvited guests – rodents. That means it’s time to call a professional rodent exterminator in Carmel.


Rodent Control in Carmel

Rodents, with thousands of species spread across every continent except Antarctica, are incredibly adaptable creatures. The last place you want them setting up camp, however, is within your own four walls.

Rats, for instance, can squeeze into your home through an opening no larger than a quarter, while mice only need an entrance the size of a dime. Once they find their way in, these crafty critters are notoriously hard to evict without a rodent exterminator in Carmel.

But why the urgency to get rid of them? Well, aside from being unsettling housemates, rodents pose significant health and safety risks. They carry fleas and ticks, track in dirt, and are infamous for causing large-scale food loss. Their incessant gnawing can damage your walls and belongings.

Worst of all, rodents are notorious carriers of diseases. They’re responsible for spreading the organisms behind historical horrors like the bubonic plague and typhus, as well as toxoplasmosis. Even inhaling dust contaminated with rodent waste can lead to a host of nasty illnesses, including hantaviruses and meningitis.

At Smithereen, a rodent exterminator in Carmel, we understand that different environments call for different rodent removal techniques. Our technicians are trained to analyze the problem and develop a custom program tailored to your specific needs.


The Smithereen Approach: Rodent Control in Carmel

Our rodent and pest control services in Carmel begin with a free, thorough inspection to identify the rodent problem, determine entry points, and map key pathways. A rodent exterminator in Carmel will evaluate the environment to determine the most effective plan for rodent removal.

Our experts on rodent control in Carmel will then eliminate the current rodent population using techniques selected specifically for your needs. Once eliminated, we provide long-term prevention as well as continued monitoring to act as a barrier around your property, ensuring continued success.

We take pride in educating our customers on preventative maintenance because knowledge is your best defense against these pesky intruders.


Rodent Control in Carmel: Customer Testimonial

Don’t just take our word for it, hear it from one of our satisfied customers: “I am a very satisfied customer. I requested service for problems with mice and spiders in my home and… Lord knows whatever else was in the basement. My first contact by phone was very pleasant. Very friendly staff. Especially Mr. Thomas Stuart. I will recommend Smithereen Pest Management to anyone in need of the type of service. The service was excellent. Mr. Thomas Stuart explained everything!” – Mellanie D.

At Smithereen, our rodent exterminators in Carmel are fully equipped to address and control your rodent problem with long-term success. If relocating to rodent-free Antarctica isn’t on your bucket list, give a call to an exterminator in Carmel to discuss your options for rodent removal services.


Rodent Control in Carmel


Rodent Control in Carmel: After the Rodent Removal

Once we’ve completed the rodent removal process, our job isn’t over. We understand that these pesky creatures can be stubborn, so we remain vigilant to ensure they don’t return.

A rodent exterminator in Carmel provides you with a comprehensive report detailing our findings and actions. This report will include recommendations for preventing future infestations. These may include sealing entry points, improving sanitation, and implementing rodent-proofing measures.

An exterminator in Carmel also offers continued monitoring services. Regular inspections can help detect any new activity or potential vulnerabilities in your home or business.

Our goal is to not just remove the current rodent population, but to provide you with long-term solutions that keep your property rodent-free.


Rodent Control in Carmel: Why Choose Smithereen?

At Smithereen, we believe in providing exceptional service that goes beyond simple pest control. Our technicians are highly trained and experienced in rodent behavior, habitat, and removal techniques. We use this expertise to provide you with a tailored solution that addresses your specific needs.

But don’t just take our word for it. Our customers consistently rate us highly for our professionalism, effectiveness, and dedication to customer satisfaction.

Don’t let rodents rule your roost. Contact Smithereen today for a free inspection and let us help you reclaim your space. In conclusion, rodents are more than just a nuisance; they pose serious health risks and can cause significant damage to your property. However, with Smithereen pest control services in Carmel, you have a reliable partner in the fight against these unwelcome guests.

A rodent exterminator in Carmel has an approach that combines inspection, custom treatment plans, long-term prevention, and continued monitoring to ensure your space remains rodent-free. Our experts on rodent control in Carmel are committed to providing effective solutions that address your specific needs. So, don’t let rodents rule your roost. Contact our experts on rodent control in Carmel today for a free inspection and reclaim your peace of mind. Remember, it’s not just about pest control, it’s about providing a safe, comfortable environment for you and your loved ones.




Roll out the red carpet, Carmel! Smithereen, your pest control Avengers, is here to save your day. As the ‘Iron Man’ of pest control companies in Carmel, we’ve been flexing our extermination muscles across commercial and residential properties since 1888. Whether it’s a cozy cottage, bustling bistro, vibrant school, serene healthcare facility, or even your own home, no place is too daunting for our amazing Carmel pest control company.

Our savvy experts on residential pest control in Carmel are the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ of the insect world. We deftly identify pest problems, sniff out conditions that attract these unwanted guests, and craft cunning plans for their ousting and future discouragement. We’re on a mission to deliver pest control solutions that are as reliable as a superhero’s sidekick. From apartment pest control in Carmel to rodent control in Carmel, Smithereen is ready to help!


Rodent Control in Carmel


Our secret weapon? The Integrated Pest Management approach – a strategic game of chess focusing on extermination and prevention. This involves a thorough reconnaissance of your Carmel property, tackling conditions that fuel your pest problem, and sealing off entryways tighter than Fort Knox.

As Green Shield Certified, we’re the eco-friendly ‘Captain Planet’ of pest control services in Carmel, offering sustainable control strategies for long-term peace of mind. Be it termite infestations or bed bug control in Carmel, Smithereen is your trusted ally.

So, pick up that Batphone and dial 317-279-6474 or fill out a form here for top-notch, comprehensive pest services in Carmel.


Carmel Pest Control Company: The Best Ways to Bugproof Your Home in 2023 Sun, 08 Oct 2023 06:00:11 +0000 Read More about Carmel Pest Control Company: The Best Ways to Bugproof Your Home in 2023 »]]> Carmel Pest Control Company

Bugs in your home? Oh, the horror! But fear not, brave souls of Carmel IN, for we have some sage advice to help you banish those creepy-crawlies back to the dark corners from whence they came. Let’s turn your home into a fortress that even the most determined six-legged intruder can’t breach.

None of us want bugs in our home, but unfortunately, the bugs don’t seem to care. If they want to enter your home, they seem to always find a way in. As one of the top pest control companies in Carmel, Smithereen has some tips for homeowners to keep these unwanted guests outside where they belong.



Carmel Pest Control Company: Seal Your Doors and Windows

Most bugs are extremely small, so that means they can fit through nearly any opening, no matter how tiny it is. One of the best ways eliminate pests is to hire a Carmel pest control company. They will be ensuring that all doors and windows are properly sealed.

We all know poor seals can allow air to enter through windows and doors and increased heating/cooling costs. These can also end up leading to increased exterminator costs if bugs are constantly entering your home. So, one of the best methods of spider, fly, moth, mosquito, and bug control in Carmel is to maintain your window and door seals.


Carmel Pest Control Company: Take Care of Your Yard

One of the most effective ways to eliminate pests is by hiring one of the top pest control companies in Carmel to help with properly maintaining your yard. Mosquitoes and fleas are pretty common in yards, especially those with tall grass and excess water pooling. Mosquitoes are bred in areas where there is standing water, so eliminating these areas will slow down the spread of mosquitos significantly.

If you notice water pooling in your yard, you likely have some sort of drainage issue. A common solution is to aerate your lawn, which allows water to naturally be absorbed into the soil. Also, your yard may be sloped and needs to be leveled out. If this is the case, you can have soil added to your yard, or you can speak to a professional landscaping company and see what options they offer.


Carmel Pest Control Company


Carmel Pest Control Company: Add Screens to Doors and Windows

We talked earlier about how important seals are for doors and windows, but screens also play an important role in just ask your local Carmel pest control company. There will most certainly be days where the weather is beautiful, and you want some of that clean, fresh, Carmel air to circulate your home.

Naturally, you’ll want to open up your windows, but make sure your screens are securely in place first. Any small gap can be an invitation for bugs to enter your home. Even if your screens are securely in place, bugs can still enter through rips or tears in the screens. If you notice any damage to your screen doors or window screens, make sure you repair those areas before opening any doors or windows for an extended period.



Carmel Pest Control Company: The Leading Causes of Spider Infestations According to Experts

As a top Carmel pest control company, Smithereen knows that spiders can be hard to contain. Often, a spider infestation occurs due to something that could have easily been taken care of ahead of time. This article will discuss five of the top reasons why spider infestations occur and how you can prevent this from happening to you.


Carmel Pest Control Company: Entering Through Gaps or Openings

If you end up hiring a professional to help with bug control in Carmel, one of the first things they’ll look for are is access points. This could be holes in the wall, gaps in window seals, ineffective door seals, or holes in window/door screens.

Spiders can fit through the smallest entryways, so it is critical to make sure all parts of your home’s exterior are properly sealed and maintained. If you have any areas that require more than caulking or sealing, you may need to call a home improvement expert to address the issues.


Carmel Pest Control Company


Carmel Pest Control Company: You Are Not Using Professional Pest Control

If your home is not regularly treated with pest control services, then you are vulnerable to spiders and numerous other insects. Our Carmel pest control company has technicians that can spot any problematic areas and provide a treatment solution that can limit the risk of infestation.

The type of pest control service you need will be determined by multiple different factors. Depending on the severity of the infestation, you might need bi-weekly services, monthly, bi-monthly, or seasonal treatments. Your pest control expert can provide different options to help diminish the risk of a spider infestation.



Carmel Pest Control Company: Not Cleaning Certain Areas Properly

Dirt and grime can be magnets for all sorts of critters; spiders included. As one of the leading pest control companies in Carmel, Smithereen suggests that you constantly evaluate different parts of your home to make sure they are not accumulating excess dirt or dust. These can be a breeding ground for spiders and other pests.

Common areas might include basements, underneath furniture, underneath appliances, and other areas where dirt seems to accumulate. Be sure to check light fixtures as well, since dirt always seems to find any area with excessive light. Keeping a clean home is an essential piece of bug control in Carmel.


Carmel Pest Control Company: Get Rid of Excess Junk in Your Home

If you have excess junk in your home that rarely gets touched, it can become a nesting ground for spiders to inhabit. Some common items that spiders have been known to invade include stacks of newspapers, old books, under the sink, or dark areas in the closet. It is always wise to make sure neglected areas get occasional attention and that all spider problems be addressed.


So there you have it folks – the cheat sheet to a bug-free paradise. It’s not rocket science, just simple things like giving your doors and windows the seal of approval, turning your yard into a no-fly zone for mosquitoes, and ensuring your screens are more secure than Fort Knox.

And remember, if you’re dealing with a spider invasion that’s scarier than a Stephen King novel, it’s time to call one of the most respected pest control companies in Carmel. Companies like Smithereen are the Ghostbusters of the pest world. They’ll take on those eight-legged freaks so you can sleep easy. So suit up, take charge, and let the bugs know your home isn’t their free-for-all buffet!


Roll out the red carpet, Carmel! Smithereen, your pest control Avengers, is here to save your day. As the ‘Iron Man’ of pest control companies in Carmel, we’ve been flexing our extermination muscles across commercial and residential properties since 1888. Whether it’s a cozy cottage, bustling bistro, vibrant school, serene healthcare facility, or even your own home, no place is too daunting for our amazing Carmel pest control company.

Our savvy experts on residential pest control in Carmel are the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ of the insect world. We deftly identify pest problems, sniff out conditions that attract these unwanted guests, and craft cunning plans for their ousting and future discouragement. We’re on a mission to deliver pest control solutions that are as reliable as a superhero’s sidekick. From apartment pest control in Carmel to rodent control in Carmel, Smithereen is ready to help!

Carmel Pest Control Company

Our secret weapon? The Integrated Pest Management approach – a strategic game of chess focusing on extermination and prevention. This involves a thorough reconnaissance of your Carmel property, tackling conditions that fuel your pest problem, and sealing off entryways tighter than Fort Knox.

As Green Shield Certified, we’re the eco-friendly ‘Captain Planet’ of pest control services in Carmel, offering sustainable control strategies for long-term peace of mind. Be it termite infestations or bed bug control in Carmel, Smithereen is your trusted ally.

So, pick up that Batphone and dial 317-279-6474 or fill out a form here for top-notch, comprehensive pest services in Carmel.


Take a New Approach to Pest Control in Carmel in 2023 Sun, 01 Oct 2023 06:00:30 +0000 Read More about Take a New Approach to Pest Control in Carmel in 2023 »]]> Pest Control in Carmel

The seasons change from warm to cool and the bugs feel it coming long before we do. Pest services in Carmel is here to tell you that those insects start preparing for the change long before the humans even feel the shift. Animals also prepare, they are beginning to grow their winter coats.

Smithereen is your source for all your pest control needs in Carmel. Whether you need a single treatment or would like to schedule recurring services, our team of pest control experts will get the job done even if it involves cicadas.

So what are the insects doing? What are they looking for? A place to live. Pest control in Carmel is here to tell you sometimes that place is in the walls of your Carmel home.


New Living Quarters


As an expert on pest control in Carmel, Smithereen knows that pests have an unbelievable ability to stay alive. Cockroaches in particular have lasted since prehistoric times. Our pest services in Carmel can help you address any issues that in our home using our methods.



Pests are for suckers. Your family deserves better.

 Call us for bed bug treatment in Carmel so your family sleeps without any worries.


Pest Control in Carmel


Remember those pests are looking for water and food. That is how a pest survives. For example, mice, spiders and cockroaches are looking for just one thing, a crack, hole or slight imperfection that allows them to get inside the wall.


Pest Services in Carmel: Our Approach to the Issue

  • Cleanliness:This is removing anything that might attract pests. This includes standing water, filling holes, and fixing gaps.
  • Structure: The use of traps and the physical removal of any pests on the premises.
  • Chemicals:The final and biggest victory. Using our eco-friendly chemicals, we will spray for pests on the premises.

The invasion of unwanted insects in your home, has nothing to do with you being unclean. Depending on your needs, our experts on pest control in Carmel are here to help in any way we can. As those insects migrate into your home, we are here to eliminate those unwanted guests this fall.


22 Species of Cicada Killers – Our Experts on Pest Control in Carmel Will Help you Eliminate Them All

In Carmel, Indiana we really don’t have all 22 species here. However, if we did, our experts on pest control in Carmel would have the answer to eliminating your issue. The word killer sounds intimidating. In fact, you probably think as soon as you hear it that it means that these insects are aggressive or dangerous.

There are a lot of animals that have “killer” in front of their title including whales and bees. Killer bees are a hybrid species of honeybees created in Brazil that ended up going rogue and threatening the calmer honeybee population. Experts on pest control in Carmel want to help answer the question, “are cicada killers really dangerous”?


Pest control in Carmel: Dangerous Cicada Killers or Not?

The answer is an astounding no. Cicada killers are not dangerous to humans. However, they can be a big annoyance to your property. While some species of wasps are after your open soda cans and picnic meats, cicada killers are only looking for the insect they are named after, cicadas.


Don’t be a pest! Give us a call and keep your home, garden,

pets, and kids safer.


We use professional-quality pesticides

and are experts on termite removal in Carmel.


Cicada killers are like honeybees in that they will not attack unless threatened. Experts on pest control in Carmel know that stings hurt no worse than a honeybee, but people who are allergic will of course have a stronger reaction. Cicada killers are very beneficial to have on your property, they feed on plant damaging cicadas.

The only time you run into an issue is when they build large nests in front of your property. Call one of the top pest services in Carmel if this happens to you.


Pest Control in Carmel


How do you identify a cicada killer according to pest services in Carmel?

  • 2-3 inches in length
  • Females larger than males
  • Black in color with yellow markings
  • Legs are bright orange
  • Transparent wings


Can you get rid of cicada killers with the help of pest control in Carmel?

The only reason you would have an infestation or large nest is because they have discovered a great place to feed on cicadas. That makes these killers impossible to prevent. The only fighter would be to have a treatment from pest control in Carmel.


Do you need a termite company in Carmel?

Call Smithereen, where we put our clients first!


Smithereen deals with all sorts of different types of insects and is here to help. Get on a prevention plan to day to keep your yard cicada killer free.



Roll out the red carpet, Carmel! Smithereen, your pest control Avengers, is here to save your day. As the ‘Iron Man’ of pest control companies in Carmel, we’ve been flexing our extermination muscles across commercial and residential properties since 1888. Whether it’s a cozy cottage, bustling bistro, vibrant school, serene healthcare facility, or even your own home, no place is too daunting for our amazing Carmel pest control company.

Our savvy experts on residential pest control in Carmel are the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ of the insect world. We deftly identify pest problems, sniff out conditions that attract these unwanted guests, and craft cunning plans for their ousting and future discouragement. We’re on a mission to deliver pest control solutions that are as reliable as a superhero’s sidekick. From apartment pest control in Carmel to rodent control in Carmel, Smithereen is ready to help!

Pest Control in Carmel

Our secret weapon? The Integrated Pest Management approach – a strategic game of chess focusing on extermination and prevention. This involves a thorough reconnaissance of your Carmel property, tackling conditions that fuel your pest problem, and sealing off entryways tighter than Fort Knox.

As Green Shield Certified, we’re the eco-friendly ‘Captain Planet’ of pest control services in Carmel, offering sustainable control strategies for long-term peace of mind. Be it termite infestations or bed bug control in Carmel, Smithereen is your trusted ally.

So, pick up that Batphone and dial 317-279-6474 or fill out a form here for top-notch, comprehensive pest services in Carmel.

